Compare Mwakakati to Ufundi Bethania

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Basic info

Mwakakati School Ufundi Bethania School
Registration # S5678 S5689
Short Name Mwakakati Ufundi Bethania
Full Name Mwakakati Secondary School Ufundi Bethania Secondary School
Level - -

School Division stats

Students count Students count
Division IV 103 103 6 6
Division III 47 47 8 8
Division II 40 40 22 22
Division I 10 10 28 28
Division ABS 7 7
Division 0 1 1

School Gender Division

Students count Students count
M - 2
F - 2
M - 12
F - 8
M - 12
F - 14
M - 42
F - 38
M - 42
F - 20
M - 24
F - 60
M - 34
F - 12
M - 4
F - 106
M - 100
F - 10
M - 2

School Locations


Subject popularity

Students count Students count
Architectural Draughting 26
Bible Knowledge 98
Basic Mathematics 416 128
bio 416 128
Building Construction 26
chem 138 84
civ 416 128
Information and Computer Studies 12
Engineering Science 86
engineering 72
engl 416 128
geo 416 108
hist 416 40
kisw 416 128
phy 138 26
Surveying 14

Students number by subject grade

Students count Students count
Architectural Draughting
C 18
D 6
F 2
Bible Knowledge
A 50
B 22
C 24
D 2
Basic Mathematics
A 6 18
B 4 16
C 34 40
D 78 26
F 280 28
X 14
A 12 22
B 14 36
C 168 54
D 186 16
F 22
X 14
Building Construction
B 2
C 20
D 2
F 2
A 8 16
B 30 24
C 92 38
D 8 6
A 4
B 16 20
C 198 84
D 164 18
F 24 2
X 14
Information and Computer Studies
C 4
D 2
F 6
Engineering Science
A 6
B 14
C 30
D 24
F 12
C 32
D 36
F 4
A 8
B 4 40
C 152 64
D 230 16
F 16
X 14
A 4 22
B 16 18
C 168 56
D 174 10
F 40 2
X 14
A 2
B 12
C 148 14
D 212 22
F 28 4
X 14
A 24 18
B 124 44
C 248 56
D 6 10
X 14
B 4
C 14 10
D 70 6
F 50 10
B 2
C 4
D 6
F 2

A empty table column means school doesnt have information for the selected year.Pick a different year to see results