Compare Kwashungu to Lukobe

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Basic info

Kwashungu School Lukobe School
Registration # S2865 S2871
Short Name Kwashungu Lukobe
Full Name Kwashungu Secondary School Lukobe Secondary School

School Division stats

Students count Students count
Division IV 173 173 118 118
Division III 27 27 25 25
Division II 18 18 29 29
Division I 6 6 9 9
Division ABS 1 1 35 35
Division 0 47 47 11 11

School Gender Division

Students count Students count
F - 58
M - 36
F - 8
M - 14
F - 2
F - 34
M - 36
F - 8
M - 4
F - 4
M - 14
F - 10
M - 26
F - 28
M - 30
F - 22
M - 32
F - 30
M - 20
F - 188
M - 158
F - 146
M - 90

School Locations

Region Morogoro Mwanza
District Kilombero Ilemela

Subject popularity

Students count Students count
Bible Knowledge 16
Basic Mathematics 544 454
bio 544 454
chem 94 106
civ 544 454
Elimu ya Dini ya Kiislamu 78 12
engl 544 454
geo 544 454
hist 544 454
kisw 544 454
liteng 56
phy 94 64

Students number by subject grade

Students count Students count
Bible Knowledge
A 6
B 6
C 4
Basic Mathematics
A 6
B 12 8
C 24 12
D 42 50
F 458 314
X 2 70
B 4 6
C 90 94
D 154 172
F 294 112
X 2 70
A 6 4
B 16 16
C 56 72
D 16 10
X 4
B 2 4
C 78 86
D 208 126
F 254 168
X 2 70
Elimu ya Dini ya Kiislamu
A 2
B 2
C 6 8
D 46
F 18
X 8
B 6
C 36 76
D 148 180
F 358 122
X 2 70
A 6
B 2 16
C 82 104
D 174 148
F 284 110
X 2 70
A 2
B 16 14
C 102 60
D 202 104
F 222 204
X 2 70
A 20 28
B 70 116
C 280 200
D 138 36
F 34 4
X 2 70
B 2
C 44
D 8
X 2
B 2
C 10 12
D 48 28
F 34 20
X 4

A empty table column means school doesnt have information for the selected year.Pick a different year to see results