Compare Mugabe to Bungulwa

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A empty table column means school doesnt have information for the selected year. Pick a different year to see results

Basic info

Mugabe School Bungulwa School
Registration # S2376 S2377
Short Name Mugabe Bungulwa
Full Name Mugabe Secondary School Bungulwa Secondary School

School Division stats

Students count Students count
Division IV 99 99 50 50
Division III 17 17 7 7
Division II 9 9 3 3
Division I 1 1 1 1
Division ABS 5 5 3 3
Division 0 154 154 8 8
Division - 2 2

School Gender Division

Students count Students count
F - 4
F - 182
M - 126
F - 14
M - 2
F - 10
F - 4
M - 2
M - 2
M - 2
F - 4
M - 14
M - 6
F - 18
M - 16
F - 6
M - 8
F - 104
M - 94
F - 68
M - 32

School Locations

Region Dar Es Salaam Mwanza
District Kinondoni Kwimba

Subject popularity

Students count Students count
Basic Mathematics 574 144
bio 574 144
chem 80 44
civ 574 144
Elimu ya Dini ya Kiislamu 164
engl 574 144
geo 574 144
hist 574 144
kisw 574 144
liteng 28
phy 80 18

Students number by subject grade

Students count Students count
Basic Mathematics
B 6
C 14 4
D 28 6
F 516 128
X 10 6
A 2
B 4 2
C 54 30
D 88 64
F 414 40
I 4
X 10 6
A 2
B 2
C 24 14
D 38 28
F 16
B 2 2
C 30 14
D 78 46
F 454 76
X 10 6
Elimu ya Dini ya Kiislamu
C 6
D 32
F 124
X 2
B 2
C 60 10
D 124 82
F 380 44
X 10 6
C 20 6
D 70 72
F 474 60
X 10 6
B 4 2
C 44 24
D 116 54
F 400 58
X 10 6
A 2
B 4
C 134 78
D 304 48
F 126 6
X 10 6
C 8
D 20
C 8 4
D 22 10
F 50 4

A empty table column means school doesnt have information for the selected year.Pick a different year to see results